Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Regress to Evolve?

So it looks like I'm on the right path. We (humans) really do need to acknowledge what our ancestors achieved in order to fulfill our own potential. Just to recap... I did P90X for 2 and a half cycles last year and plateaued. I actually began regaining the weight and worse yet, fat (gasp)! Then at the start of this year I did Insanity and was blown away - reference: I am 5' 5" and went from a beefy 175lbs 34" waist down to 155lbs 28-30" waist!)
But nearing the end of that program I began to ask, "What next?" Then I discovered MovNat, Primal Blueprint and barefoot living.
It started, as do all things with the diet. Going (and being) primal takes us back to a time more than 10,000 years ago when mankind didn’t eat agriculture as we do today. Today my nutrition is guided primarily by a sensible practical diet of meats, seeds, vegetables, fruits, butters, fats, oils and nuts. I try as best as I can to avoid grains and sugars and food based on these two ingredients... not as easy as it sounds, believe me. After getting a firm grasp on nutrition, changing my lifestyle and approach to life as it comes came almost effortlessly (save the curious looks and awkwardly phrased inquiries from family, friends, co-workers, etc. - especially the barefoot living part LOL)
Well it's been almost two months (including a fabulous three week vacation) since I have been part of a regular scheduled fitness regime and I am even fitter and stronger than before without having padded back on the extra weight. At 33 years old, I confidently lead a parkour group, seem to be the guru of fitness, nutrition and recovery among family and friends, and I play where I work, live and everywhere in between.
I am happy.