Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Ballard Street Stories

Ted's nonchalant expertise at balance is testament to his past triumphs, having conditioned himself to singular purpose at exponentially increasing speed, his patience is eclipsed only by that of Mayan numerologists.

His present pastime precludes potential paralysis by permitting his partner in pace to parade prior to his person. The forever-loving, eternally supportive, physical buffer, Ginger "Never-Snaps" Ferklewitz never tires, and never fails to balance the thrill of speed with the caution of reality. After the wet concrete incident of '96, and their insurance agent's warning of "This is the last time I look the other way," Ginger looks both ways for them both every day.

"Righty then. Are we ready, Ginger?"

"Ready, Ted!"

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