Friday, August 31, 2007

Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Dinner with good friends
A cool evening shower
A warm night-time cuddle
There are some things worth waking up for
And others worth going to bed for

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

An answered prayer...

The Lord's way are sometimes so mysterious they can cause the best of us to second guess ourselves. Seeing is no longer believing... belief is all you can let yourself see. We pray and ask for a miracle, and when one comes so close to home you wonder, "How...? Who...? What the...?"

But ask and you shall receive, simple as that.

So why is it that with my prayers now answered, I have questions?

Count backwards from 10 to 1...

sometimes it feels like you're strapped to the table...

but there's nothing wrong with you.

Monday, August 27, 2007

for all the progress...

what do you do when surrounded by animals
- pretending to be bipedal
- uttering sounds almost comprehensible
- mimicking the actions of the oddity that is our 'normal'

what do you do when the animal rules the city, and the jungle is barren
- when climbing a tree is safer than walking the street
- when a dog's bite is more welcome than an uninvited word

what to do when they do this to you

Friday, August 24, 2007

Refrigerate after opening

Another revolution has begun and it's the most effectual, yet quiet one to date. By the end, titles will change hands, portfolios will be handed over or handed in. When the smoke clears the rubble will be easier to pick up and rebuild. Small fragments of the abomination which previously stood slowly crumbling will be the new foundation of something better, something stronger, something respectable.

It's not everyday you get to think of or do something fresh, but when you do, cherish the moment. Only for a moment though... fresh never lasts.

Today I feel better than I did two weeks ago. That is not a bad thing.