Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Dig Deeper.

we've started INSANITY by Beachbody. it's been a week and i haven't missed a day. nor do i plan to. i have amended and tailored my diet as best given the circumstances of location and budget. this lifestyle suits me well. i am sometimes tempted to refer to it as ideal. if not only for the limited hours in the day. time itself prevents me from using the strength, stamina and agility as much as i would. if only i could. but i do feel the results in my overall fitness already, albeit inhibited by the underlying stiffness and muscle fatigue. all in a shift to regain a form of former glory, it not better than before. the fact that i can now practice parkour is fun too.

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

january 2010 - week 1

new post. new year.
finding the urge to push again. becoming more secluded while allowing public scrutiny of private thoughts. at the bottom of the pendulum, anticipating upswing. house home happy hope... all in time. who's time? make time. find time. find myself.
flies are being attracted to my screen in the middle of the night. good night.