Sunday, September 21, 2008

It will only get hotter.

it's warmer here than i remembered. there's at least one fan in every room... even the rooms with a/c. the bed i grew up on is oddly bouncier yet firmer than the one i sleep on ritually. too bad it's also smaller. despite the hustle i once successfully escaped, i haven't felt it creep back in. then again, it's sunday. tomorrow, traffic, business, plans, things to do, will raise their hydra's heads and try to bite me. tomorrow will remind me of the heat i forgot.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

What's left?

I have found lately I am paddling in circles in creative doldrums. There is no inspiration to write/draw/design, only the desire to do so exists - and that desire is getting overwhelming. I fear that my talent is being monopolised by its commercial demands, and not discovering new and exciting non-work-related challenges.
wah wah wah - stop coplaining and do something about it, right?