Thursday, February 19, 2009

in de mean time

ah have ah date on line wid de wife dis morning. she tex meh 4 o'clock last night to say she wish ah was deh too in a fete wid she an de NiSAN crew. but seein as tings hadda be how dey is, we doing wha we can until we can do wha we do.

one look, three calls

i was angry, disappointed, disillusioned, confused and focused all at the same time. the worst thing to do is try to control your heart beat when the only thing you want to do is beat your heart out. but in the end, the end justified the means. i will fight for this. even if it means fighting for you by fighting with you. clichés are wonderful tools in every sense.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

is that all?

i'm going to carnival in Trinidad for the first time in 6 years. hosting one of my best college friends and her hubby. the wife is already there for a good week ahead of us. should be some memorable good times ahead.
if anyone reads this, you'll notice i have abandoned my rule for proper use of punctuation, capitalisation and perhaps to a certain extent grammar. there is a reason. it's too demanding to be proper all the time. better get a good idea out and build than a great building on loose sand. i want to write, but i don't want to feel like i have to. start slow, small and fool proof... or foolish. doesn't matter. so long as something is flowing. Ish, we need to get that back.
that is all.