Monday, October 09, 2006


Friday after work we limed at one of the bars on the beach outside the airport until it was too late to do anything else. Not a bad night, if you consider that the dollars spent stretched way beyond their normal means under the comforting extentions given in the name of familiarity.
Saturday's surf was up. There were no immediately encouraging visual indications, but Gary's prescient view was justified and we were happy. It's that simple with us.
It was not that simple on Sunday. We stood in the tray of the pick-up with the babies just talking, relaxing, staring at the ocean. Waiting. Hoping. In vain. Let's call it quality time instead, and make it a great day in memory, rather than one that just lacked waves.

1 comment:

Katness said...

I'm mad you linked that ish. LOL.