Tuesday, February 20, 2007


It's been a while.
-Last Friday I finished my new bike (custom GSX-R600K4 streetfighter - pictures coming soon).
-Monday was our six month anniversary.

Last night and in to this morning I realised my time was being wasted at work. My time, talent, creativity, experience and patience. I want to do the work, but the outcome is becoming not worth the effort. The saddest part is that the powers that be don't seem to notice. And it's not just me. I give the required and then some, I answer every request beyond the call, and yet every output seems to come to naught.

And I ask myself, "why do I bother?"

Probably the same reason this is the only area I make sure I use proper grammar, punctuation and capitalisation. I don't respect the machine enough to care that it 'thinks', but I do respect the viewer, so I bother.

Which is why I can't give into the apathy at work, why I do bother... and why it bothers me. I know what I want to do, but still to be determined is what I need to do. And how. And when. And most importantly


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