Tuesday, February 07, 2006

C'mon now!

Common sense, I contend contrary to the popular saying, is very common.

Surely we are all capable of what would seem to be the simple task of allowing one plus one to equal two. However, I suspect most individuals (and worse for the populace, most groups) are still ignorant not of what, but of how to enable this invariably advantageous method of observing, perceiving, thinking, and living. It is akin to some parlour trick, some piece of street-corner magic, some simple slight of hand that we all clamour to see over and over, yet are not gifted with the knowledge and ability to employ for ourselves.

Common sense does not require special training. It belongs to no elite privileged group requiring subscriptions or membership fees. In fact, if left to act alone, common sense will inevitably enshroud even the most unperceptive among us with a seemingly clairvoyant ability.

Almost every human being has had the benefit of seeing objectively at least three times in their lives. At least three. At some point almost everyone has been able to enlighten another. Almost every human being has caused the words, "Ahh, that makes sense" to be uttered without having had to put forth any debate in favour of the obvious. It was enough just to shed the illuminating clarity of common sense.

Still we find those among us who are too stubborn, ignorant, dedicated, misguided or lost to see what is plainly presented before them in black and white (because even colour can be debated). I am a firm believer that if the relevant information is provided, the purpose explained, the outcome predicted, even with the directions included in some cases, common sense, as they say, will prevail. I am a firm believer that if given all these factors, an individual maintains a position of ignorant disbelief and incredulous (il)logic, they are unworthy of the opportunity of a new horizon.

Then there are the new "high thinkers" that purport to envision a wiser, less obvious way of interpreting their daily lives. They know what makes sense, they know difference between smart and dumb, they even know that one plus one can have more than one answer. But they are determined to exploit the idea that some ulterior latent meaning exists. In everything. Come on now, if it smells, looks, tastes, sounds and feels like an "A", for crying out loud, maybe, just maybe, it's an "A"!

Common sense is common. Perhaps too common for mankind.

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