Friday, May 25, 2007


Last night I gave a three day old puppy mouth-to-mouth resuscitation and CPR. It was a not a pleasant moment seeing the third puppy of Dhara's litter of 11 lying lifeless, unknowingly pinned under her warm comforting body. It's twisted little face, gaping mouth and limp form could not convince me there was nothing to save it from the seemingly certain fate. I put my finger on her chest and pumped ever so softly and gently blew into her nose and mouth. I repeated that process I learnt in scouts, what then, seemed like only the day before. 30 seconds later I heard a gasp. I froze. Nothing. Starting again, countless seconds passed before I heard her grasp at life again. I started rubbing her body all over trying to stimulate something. The gasps grew more frequent until they transformed into steady breathing.

Finally I breathed for myself.

I am almost afraid to leave them, but they are in safe hands and I can rest easy that they are only two minutes away if anything else were to go wrong.

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