Friday, September 01, 2006

The Harem has spoken

Judgement can be fair, objective, justified, harsh, sympathetic, unfeeling and deserved. But most of all, it is final. It doesn't not ask for comprimise. It is not an opinion. It is unfailing in its most primitive form.
It is the final word.
The final action.
No more deeds.

Among the angels, one seeking acceptance fell short. And fell hard. Not knowing what was expected or what to expect, the fallen one found herself in a whirlwind. Within the twirling and tumult, she found herself in a position most would have acquiesced to being swept away with the surge. There, at least she may have salvaged her broken feathers. There, at least she may have walked among the clouds.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Who are we too judge? How do we judge? Do we have all the necessary information?Do we search ourselves before we cast judgement?

Your blog has inspired these questions and inspired the reality that judgement can be all of those things you suggested.

To the fallen angels....its wonderful to soar and just because you have fallen does not mean you are not an angel. You still have wings.

'Unearth' your feathers again and don' t ever forget who you ANGEL......